Jude Meryl - Soul Midwife

TLC (Tender Loving Care) Training

TLC training is a practical-based offshoot of Soul Midwifery, designed to make some of the basic skills of Soul Midwifery, or End of Life compassionate companionship, easily accessible to all. The gentle, loving, simple TLC skills you will learn can be used in any context – the home, hospice, care home, hospital, death café, workshop, within palliative services…TLC helps someone to be with people who are dying – and make a difference.

I am a qualified TLC Trainer, accredited by The Soul Midwives School and offer regular TLC courses – usually one per year in person, and the rest via Zoom. Please see below for my next available courses, and to find out more and make a booking via Eventbrite.

Jude Meryl - Soul Midwife

What does a TLC training day include?

Jude Meryl - Soul Midwife

‘A good death is an extraordinary, moving and sacred experience. It can also have a healing quality, not only for the person involved but their families, friends and the wider community.’ (Felicity Warner, Soul Midwives and TLC Founder)

The TLC Day runs from 10.30am – 4.00pm and there are opportunities for individual reflection, as well as discussion in pairs and within a small group.

Who is it for?

TLC was especially designed to give extra tools in the ‘caring toolbox’ to carers, family and friends who work with people who are dying, or who find themselves caring for someone at end of life. It is aimed at enhancing existing caring skills as well as empowering carers to tune into their innate knowing about how to care for a dying person.

The TLC Day is suitable for anyone who is interested in finding out more about the dying process and about how to support a person who is near, or at, the end of life.

Although the TLC Day does not enable you to become a Soul Midwife, if you are interested in doing Soul Midwifery training, attendance at a TLC Day is equivalent to attendance at a Soul Midwifery Introductory Day, the first step towards training as a Soul Midwife.

TLC Training Day (Zoom)

Saturday 4th May 2024


TLC Training Day (In Person)

Saturday 9th November 2024


In 2017 The National Council for Palliative Care praised our TLC Compassionate Community Project for the “quality of the love it gave to the dying”. In 2019 TLC was implemented by Dorset NHS, where it is being offered to all End of Life patients within the county’s community hospitals. TLC is also recognised by the GSF (Gold Standard Framework) Team as providing excellent training for NHS staff.
The Soul Midwives School works with many organisations to maintain and improve their Care Quality Commission ratings. If you would like TLC training for your organisation, please contact me for more details.

One to One Personal TLC Training

I also offer the opportunity to do a TLC course on a 1:1 or 1:2 basis, if the dates of the courses above don’t fit with your needs.

Please do contact me if you would like to know more, so that we can discuss your particular circumstances and find out what might work best for you.

TLC Training Day (Zoom)

On Request
